Team – Wiener Institut für Dialog und Frieden Wiener Institut für Dialog und Frieden, WIDF, Dialog, Frieden,Integration Thu, 07 Sep 2023 09:15:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214930126 Mete Yildirim Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:24:19 +0000


Ph.D., University of Innsbruck, Computer Science
Ph.D., İstanbul University, School of Engineering
M.Sc. İstanbul University, School of Engineering
B.Sc. Marmara University,Computer and Electronics Eng

Professional Skills

98 %
94 %
95 %
93 %

Early Years

Languages Advanced in English and intermediate in German
Data Science
Pandas, PySpark, Scikit, NumPy ,SciPy ,Matplotlib , Seaborn, Scrapy, BeautifulSoup
Linear Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Xboost, Light Boost,
CatBoost, Statistics, CNN, GAN, RNN, NLP, Text mining
Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch, Java Script, Java, C, LATEX, . . .
Databases sql, Mysql, Postgresql, sqlite, MongoDB
Web Dev
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, Web scraping
Academic research, teaching, training, consultation, LATEX typesetting and publishing.
Ahmet Öztas Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:22:19 +0000

Personal Experience

B.Sc: Inonu University, Art and Science Faculty, Mathematics  Malatya, Turkey 1981 – 1983
B.Sc: Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey 1983 – 1987
MSc. Istanbul University, Faculty of Management, Institute of  Management, Construction Management program, Istanbul, Turkey 1987 – 1988
Ph.D. Manchester University, Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Department of Civil Engineering    Manchester, U.K. 1991 – 1995

Structural Designer and Site Engineer:

I have started to work as structural designer while I was student at Istanbul Technical University in Civil Engineering Department as an internship at an architectural and structural design office in Istanbul from Feb. 1985 to Jun 1987.
After graduation at Jun 1987, I have worked as site engineer at “Toros Construction Ltd Sti” company in Istanbul from Jun 1987 to Oct 1987 (4 Months)

Consultant in Construction Sector/Turkey (1996 – 2006):
Apart from lecturing in Civil Engineering Department in Gaziantep University, I have involved in investigating the structures after major earthquakes (Adana-Ceyhan in 1998, Marmara and Düzce in 1999 and Bingöl in 2003) in Turkey.
I have written a number of reports about earthquake resistance of some buildings and prepared strengthening projects.
I have worked as a consultant for some construction companies about strengthening of building projects, obtaining ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate and setting up of Quality Assurance System in Ready mixed Concrete Plants.
Below are Advisory subjects and durations:

Advisory subjects Duration (Year)
Ready Mixed Concrete 1997-2009
(12 years)
Earthquake strength Structural
(6 years)
Project Management 2003-2008
(5 years)
Structural assessment and retrofit 2002-2008
(6 years)


Expert in International Relations/Albania, Turkey (2009 – …):

Apart from lecturing and research activities in the universities which I have worked, I have involved in developing international collaborations universities and institutions.
I have established the International Relations Office in Epoka University, which was a newly established (Year 2006) university in Tirana/Albania. During that time, I have developed some fruitful collaborations especially with USA, Italy, U.K. and Turkey universities.
I have done the same things in Ishik University as well while I was the President of the University. I have established the International Relations Office in Ishik University in 2013, which was a newly established (Year 2008) university in Erbil/KRG/Iraq. After my completion of my duty as President in the university, I have been assigned as the director of this office from June 2017 to September 2021. During that time period, I have developed many fruitful collaborations with USA, Italy, Germany, Poland, U.K., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Jordan, Albania, Turkey, Czech Republic, Malaysia, India, and Cyprus.

Genti Kruja Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:19:56 +0000

persönliche Erfahrung

Genti Kruja is a professor of Sociology of Religion, Intercultural and Interfaith Communication and Interreligious Dialogue at Beder University.

Prof. Kruja holds the administrative position of the Secretary General of the Albania Inter-Religious Council and Vice President of ENIB “Religions for Peace” Europe centered in Berlin. He is participant in “The Study of the United States Institutes (SUSIs) for Religious Pluralism in America” at Seattle University, Washington, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and he is member of Particip GmBH (EEAS), “Global Exchange on Religion in Society” (GERIS) in European Union.

He is also expert of freedom of religion or believe at OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Prof. Kruja has participated and contributed to many conferences on Sociology, Education, Freedom of Religion, Interfaith Dialogue, Radicalism and Violent Extremism. He is author of many research articles and book chapters published by leading publishing houses and journals with impact factory as well as author of the book “Albanians Facing the Challenges of Interfaith Understanding”.

Skender Bruçaj Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:17:25 +0000

Personal Experience

Dr. Skender Bruçaj is the chair of trustee board and lecturer of Psychology of Religion, Social Psychology and Criminal Psychology at University College Beder.
He is a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at
the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University and International Fellow
at The King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue ( KAICIID) in Lisbon. Dr. Bruçaj is part of the European Union (EU) network on Global Exchange on Religion in Society (GERIS) . He has participated and contributed to dozens of conferences on education, freedom of religion, tolerance and interfaith dialogue, violent extremism. He served as chairman of Albanian Muslim Community for 2014-2019 period. During those
years he supervised national projects on encounter violent extremism and promoting active citizenship of Muslims in society. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the Muslim World League, Member of assembly of the Muslim – Jewish Leadership Council, and co-founder of Institute for Religion , Dialogue and Democracy. Bruçaj is fluent in English, Turkish and Italian.

Professional Skills

94 %
94 %
94 %
95 %

Early Years

22/08/2022 – 02/09/2022
The school of modern diplomacy United Nations University – Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Website|Field of study Public Diplomacy, Cultural and Religious Diplomacy

01/06/2022 – 29/06/2022
Global Diplomacy: Diplomacy in the Modern World
University of London

21/05/2022 – 27/05/2022– Lisbon, Portugal
Global Citizenship and Human Rights Training
KAICIID Dialogue Center
AddressLisbon, Portugal|Website

05/06/2021 – CURRENT– Brussels, Belgium
Global Exchange on Religion in Society (GERIS) Network European Union Address Brussels, Belgium|Field of studyShared Citizenship, Minority Rights

03/12/2020 – CURRENT– Washington DC, United States
Fulbright Visiting Scholar
the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding , Georgetown University
AddressACMCU, Georgetown University, Washington DC, United States|W

31/12/2019 – CURRENT– Vienna, Austria
KAICIID Fellows Programme
The King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue
Intercultural communication , Interreligious dialogue, coexistence, andsocial cohesion
Address Vienna, Austria|Website

Edmond Brahimaj Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:15:25 +0000

Personal Experience

H. Dede Baba Edmond Brahimaj, World Leader of the Bektashis and Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania during 2021.
Edmond Brahimaj was born in Tirana on May 19, 1959, to a devoted Bektashi family from Brataj, Vlore. Upon completion of secondary education, he continued his studies at high school “Scanderbeg” and achieved high results, which granted him the right to pursue undergraduate studies at the Academy of Land Forces, today “Scanderbeg”.

With the revival of religions in the 1990s, along with clergy and other Bektashi believers, he participated in the Organizing Council of the Bektashi World Headquarters.
On May 16, 1996, he was ordained “Dervish” and was immediately appointed to the Bektashi Tekke of Turan, in Korça. On April 13, 1997, he was ordained “Baba” and was appointed first deputy by Haji Dede Reshat Bardhi.
In March 2006, he was appointed grandfather of the Bektashi Tekke in Macedonia. Following the death of H. Dede Reshat Bardhi, former leader of Bektashi Community, H. Baba Edmond Brahimaj was appointed leader of the Bektashi Community in June 2011. 

During these years, H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj has worked dedicatedly, following the path of Dede Reshat Bardhi and the Bektashi tradition both at home and abroad. H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj has received honorary titles: 

“Ambassador of Peace”, 2004;
“Honour of Korça Region”, 2004;
“Honorary Citizen” of the Municipality of Zerqan-Bulqizë, June 10, 2014;
“Honorary Citizen” of the Municipality of Martanesh-Bulqizë, June 29, 2014;
“Honorary Citizen” of Municipality Bogovë-Skrapar, August 22, 2014;
“Honorary Citizen” of the Municipality of Frashër, Përmet, May 25, 2014;
“Prominent Personality of Labëria” awarded by “Labëria” association in June 2015;
“Honorary Citizen” of Fier region, March 2015;
“Honorary Citizen” of Berat region, May 2015;
“Knight of the Order of Scanderbeg”, September 7, 2015, awarded by the President of the Republic of Albania;
“Dr. Honorus Causa” UN Mission, September 2016;
“Honorary Citizen” of the commune of Bulqiza”, October 2016;
“Gratitude” by the US President Obama, January 2017;
Gold Awards “Peace Icon” United Nations; “G.O.D Awards” October 2017;
“Honorary Citizen” of Skrapar, January 2018. On June 26, 2019 the US Congress of the Jews, honoured H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj and the Bektashi Community with the American Flag.

Hatice Ekinci Tue, 24 Dec 2019 09:13:24 +0000

Personal Experience

Since joining Virtus in 2009, she has helped turn the company from a group of bright technology minds working with startups into a global Digital Product Engineering Services leader helping Fortune 500 companies on their innovation agenda. In Mira’s time as President and CEO of company, the company has experienced explosive growth in size and revenue – all while developing a culture that fosters engaged employees around innovation.

She is a frequent speaker on the topics of global innovation and digital disruption. She is also an avid cook and history buff. You can find him dining late at night with the chefs of the hotels where he stays during his travels, or reading in his home library.

Professional Skills

70 %
80 %
65 %
58 %

Early Years

He is a services industry veteran with a diversified wealth of expertise that includes worldwide operations, delivery, process improvements, mergers and acquisitions, and integration, as well as sales and business.

He is responsible for all delivery, operations, talent recruitment and management, and information technology. He is responsible for the alignment and prioritization of company investments — enabling growth, consistency, efficiency, and ensuring worldwide operational.

Yasin Arslan Tue, 24 Dec 2019 08:58:41 +0000

Personal Experience

Since joining Virtus in 2009, she has helped turn the company from a group of bright technology minds working with startups into a global Digital Product Engineering Services leader helping Fortune 500 companies on their innovation agenda. In Mira’s time as President and CEO of company, the company has experienced explosive growth in size and revenue – all while developing a culture that fosters engaged employees around innovation.

She is a frequent speaker on the topics of global innovation and digital disruption. She is also an avid cook and history buff. You can find him dining late at night with the chefs of the hotels where he stays during his travels, or reading in his home library.

Professional Skills

70 %
80 %
65 %
58 %

Early Years

He is a services industry veteran with a diversified wealth of expertise that includes worldwide operations, delivery, process improvements, mergers and acquisitions, and integration, as well as sales and business.

He is responsible for all delivery, operations, talent recruitment and management, and information technology. He is responsible for the alignment and prioritization of company investments — enabling growth, consistency, efficiency, and ensuring worldwide operational.

Ayhan Tekines Sat, 21 Dec 2019 15:54:36 +0000

Persönliche Erfahrung

Ich war 20 Jahre als Wissenschaftler im Bereich der islamischen Theologie an mehreren Universitäten der Türkei sowie zuletzt in Albanien als Dekan der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bedër tätig. Ich habe dort die Abteilung Islamwissenschaft gegründet.

Ich erforschte unter anderem die Ausbildung der Theologen des Bektaschi-Ordens in Albanien und leitete zwei Jahre lang ein Deradikalisierungsprojekt für Imame und Moscheebedienstete. Das multireligiöse und multikulturelle Sozialgefüge Albaniens ermöglichte es mir darüber hinaus, gemeinsame Bildungsprogramme und Konferenzen mit der katholischen Akademie in Shkodra sowie der Orthodoxen Kirche zu verwirklichen. Die Förderung der interreligiösen Pluralitätsfähigkeit sowie der friedensstiftenden Dimension der Religion stand für mich stets im Vordergrund.

Relevante Publikationen (Auswahl)

2022: Politik İslam’ın Entelektüel Serüveni (Intellektuelles Abenteuer des politischen Islams) New Jersey (USA).

2015: An Introduction to Hadith. Clifton: Tughra Books.

2005: Bilgi Aktarım Yöntemi Olarak İsnad (Isnad als Wissensvermitlung). Istanbul: Ensar Neşriyat.


5th International Conference on Humanities: „Extremism in the 21st Century: The Role of Law, Media and Culture“, 24.05.2017, Tirana (Albanien).

3rd International Conference on Humanities: „Socio-Economic Dimensions of Peace Building“, 16.-17.05.2014, Tirana (Albanien).
