Ahmet Öztas

Experience:20 Years


Personal Experience

B.Sc: Inonu University, Art and Science Faculty, Mathematics  Malatya, Turkey 1981 – 1983
B.Sc: Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey 1983 – 1987
MSc. Istanbul University, Faculty of Management, Institute of  Management, Construction Management program, Istanbul, Turkey 1987 – 1988
Ph.D. Manchester University, Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Department of Civil Engineering    Manchester, U.K. 1991 – 1995

Structural Designer and Site Engineer:

I have started to work as structural designer while I was student at Istanbul Technical University in Civil Engineering Department as an internship at an architectural and structural design office in Istanbul from Feb. 1985 to Jun 1987.
After graduation at Jun 1987, I have worked as site engineer at “Toros Construction Ltd Sti” company in Istanbul from Jun 1987 to Oct 1987 (4 Months)

Consultant in Construction Sector/Turkey (1996 – 2006):
Apart from lecturing in Civil Engineering Department in Gaziantep University, I have involved in investigating the structures after major earthquakes (Adana-Ceyhan in 1998, Marmara and Düzce in 1999 and Bingöl in 2003) in Turkey.
I have written a number of reports about earthquake resistance of some buildings and prepared strengthening projects.
I have worked as a consultant for some construction companies about strengthening of building projects, obtaining ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate and setting up of Quality Assurance System in Ready mixed Concrete Plants.
Below are Advisory subjects and durations:

Advisory subjectsDuration (Year)
Ready Mixed Concrete1997-2009
(12 years)
Earthquake strength Structural
(6 years)
Project Management2003-2008
(5 years)
Structural assessment and retrofit2002-2008
(6 years)


Expert in International Relations/Albania, Turkey (2009 – …):

Apart from lecturing and research activities in the universities which I have worked, I have involved in developing international collaborations universities and institutions.
I have established the International Relations Office in Epoka University, which was a newly established (Year 2006) university in Tirana/Albania. During that time, I have developed some fruitful collaborations especially with USA, Italy, U.K. and Turkey universities.
I have done the same things in Ishik University as well while I was the President of the University. I have established the International Relations Office in Ishik University in 2013, which was a newly established (Year 2008) university in Erbil/KRG/Iraq. After my completion of my duty as President in the university, I have been assigned as the director of this office from June 2017 to September 2021. During that time period, I have developed many fruitful collaborations with USA, Italy, Germany, Poland, U.K., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Jordan, Albania, Turkey, Czech Republic, Malaysia, India, and Cyprus.



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